Tried and proven by CREATIVE professionals and DIY clientele – our Sun & Shade grass seeds are industry-leading options for new lawns or overseeding. We also sell a variety of custom seeds, including playground mixtures.

Seeding Tips

Timing: Plant your grass seed in the spring (May to mid June) or fall (September to early October). Seed germinates best when soil temperatures are above 16-18° C.

Proper Soil: Over-seeding is the best way to fight weeds in your lawn, and ensuring you purchase the best soil give you a great foundation for seeds to germinate.

Application: Proper soil preparation and having seed to soil contact is necessary for germination. Once you have applied the seed over the soil, lightly rake the surface and focus on covering the seed no more then 2mm.

Watering: Do not let the seeded area dry out, but avoid puddles. The best time to water is the early morning.

Monitoring and Maintenance: Expect initial growth to begin in 10-14 days. You should expect to over-seed twice per season.

Premium Mixture

  • 40% Kentucky Bluegrass, 40% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% SR Perennial Ryegrass
  • Available in 10lb, 20lb, and 55lb bags
  • 5lbs application per 1000 square feet
  • Excellent turf quality
  • Endophyte-enhanced
  • Self-repairing technology fills in bare spots naturally
  • Click to request current pricing

Shade Mixture

  • Specially designed for shaded areas or areas that lack morning, or consistent sunlight
  • 20% Kentucky Bluegrass, 45% Creeping Red Fescue, 10% Chewings Fescue, 10% Turf-type Perennial Ryegrass, 5% Pot Trivialis
  • Available in 10lb, 20, and 55lb bags
  • 5lbs application per 1000 square feet
  • Combination of high quality turfgrass species
  • Mixture performs well in shade as well as sun
  • Contains the most shade tolerant species known to turf
  • Click to request current pricing
Speares Grass seed bag